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Break-a-Plate Challenge

Breaking barriers, inspiring others, and bringing people together through lacrosse

Help break the barriers of entry and continue building an inclusive lacrosse community.

Participate in our "Break-a-Plate Challenge" to help raise funds to break the barriers of entry to the game of lacrosse. Become a member Lax County, USA to raise funds for your program while supporting a Lax City, USA partner.

Our Members


Baltimore, Maryland


Carroll County, Maryland


Habersham County, Georgia

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Carroll County, Maryland

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Carroll County, Maryland

Our Sponsored Programs & Products

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We have partnered with First Steps Lacrosse to help achieve our mission. First Steps Lacrosse is a unique childhood physical fitness program which uses movements and skills from the game of lacrosse to develop Physical Literacy in young children (ages 2-6). 

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LAX COUNTY, USA promotes Speed Lacrosse to break the barriers of entry to the game of lacrosse. Speed Lacrosse is a unique game specifically intended to introduce the sport to new players and increase engagement in fun and competitive ways. 


SWAX LAX Lacrosse Training Ball - Same Size & Weight as Regulation Lacrosse Ball but Soft - Indoor Outdoor Practice Ball with Less Bounce & Reduced Rebounds.

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We  stand against hatred and unjust treatment in sports based on racial bias, socioeconomic and familial status, gender identity or physical abilities.

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